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Recent projects


Letters from Venice is an affectionate and poignant visual memoir of the years Heidi spent living in Italy.

The 12 collages in the series are inspired by letters written to her parents during that time. They relate some of Heidi's adventures and mishaps, but also convey the magic of a city that is now suffering from the impact of mass tourism and climate change. They’re also a tribute to the people who played an important role in her life in Venice.


The collages were created using a mixture of torn and cut papers hand-painted in the distinctive colours of the Venetian architecture and landscape.

Watch Letters from Venice

The collages have been compiled into a video book, narrated by Heidi and with original music by Max Palombella. 

Read Letters from Venice

If you'd like to know more about life as an expat in Venice in the 1980s and 90s, click here or on the cover image, right, to download the annotated version of Letters from Venice.

Browse the collages 

Click the images in the grid below to take a closer look at the collages in the image gallery. 

Letters from Venice cover.png


Market Conditions pays tribute to the people who work and shop in markets, bringing colour and life to an increasingly monochrome world of supermarket and retail chains and high-rise buildings. In many cases, their language, behaviour and even appearance probably hasn't changed much over the centuries. 

The Kindly Fruits of the Earth (a quotation from the Book of Common Prayer) shows a woman browsing among baskets piled high with luscious produce; Just Too Cool captures a Borough Market hipster; Catching Up On Brexit portrays a stallholder taking a break to read the latest news; while Signor Pomodoro proudly surveys his tomato stall in Siracusa, Sicily.


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